2024 Club Championships Tournament 

How the Tournament Works

  • All adult and junior members are welcome to enter the tournament. Entry is free
  • After the entries have closed, a draw is made to determine the order of play
  • The draw details will then be added to this page
  • The number of rounds played in each tournament category can vary, depending on how many entrants there are for that category. You may find you progress straight away to a later round
  • You will need to check the draw details for your matches. You must then contact the other player(s) to arrange the match. Contact details can all be found in the ‘Player Tournament Directory’ that will be emailed to you at the start of the tournament
  • After your match, submit the score using the form below.
  • After the ‘play by date’, the results will be updated, and then details of the next draw will be published the following week
  • In adult categories, if you lose your early round matches, you’ll be entered into our ‘Plate Competition’ to give you some more games so your tournament playing doesn’t have to end early (plate finals aren’t played on finals day, only main tournament games)
  • Finals matches are held over the weekend of 21st and 22nd September

Draw Details (last updated 11th August 2024)

We have an incredible number of members participating in this year’s club tournament.

The draw has now been made, and you can view it along with the play-by-dates for each round below. The results from each round will also be published here for anyone who would like to keep track of progress. Good luck to everyone taking part!

Submitting results

Please submit one form per match result. The match winner is responsible for submitting the result.

Results must be submitted by the play-by dates.

Adult matches: click here to submit your result
Junior matches: click here to submit your result

Play by dates

Adult categories

  1st round 2nd round Last 16 Quarter Final Semi Final Finals Day
Mens Singles 26 May 16 Jun 21 Jul 25 Aug 15 Sep 22 Sep
Ladies Singles N/A N/A N/A 7 Jul 15 Sep 22 Sep
Mens Doubles 9 Jun N/A 16 Jul 11 Aug 15 Sep 21 Sep
Ladies Doubles N/A N/A N/A 7 Jul 15 Sep 21 Sep
Mixed Doubles N/A N/A 23 Jun 04 Aug 15 Sep 22 Sep


Junior categories (all finals played on Sunday 22nd Sep)

Where dates are To Be Confirmed (TBC), club coaches will contact entrants with suitable dates.

  Last 16 Quarter Final Semi Final
Boys U18 Singles 16 Jun 14 Jul 15 Sep
Boys U18 Doubles N/A 16 Jun  14 Jul
Girls U18 Singles  N/A  23 Jun  28 Jul
Girls U18 Doubles  TBC TBC TBC
Boys U13 Singles  16 Jun  14 Jul  11 Aug
Boys U13 Doubles TBC TBC TBC
Girls U13 Singles TBC TBC TBC
Girls U13 Doubles TBC TBC  TBC
Mini green singles  TBC TBC  TBC
Mini orange singles TBC  TBC  TBC

Adult Draws

Mens Singles
Ladies Singles
Mens Doubles
Ladies Doubles
Mixed Doubles

Adult Plate Draws

Junior Draws

Boys U18 Singles
Boys U18 Doubles
Girls U18 Singles
Girls U18 Doubles
Boys U13 Singles
Boys U13 Doubles
Girls U13 Singles
Girls U13 Doubles
Mini green singles
Mini orange singles

Tournament Guidelines for all entrants

The ‘play by’ deadlines must be kept to ensure all matches are ready for Finals Day. Failure to do so may result in withdrawal for one/ both players. If this proves challenging for whatever reason (weather, no response etc), please reach out to Lewis, Angie or Anthony ahead of the play-by dates, and we can see what we can do, depending on the circumstances

ADULT DRAWS: All matches are the best of 3 full sets with a normal 7 point tie break at 6-6 except if all players agree to a championship tie-break to 10 points instead of a 3rd full set

JUNIOR DRAWS: All matches are the best of 2 full sets with a normal 7 point tie break at 6-6.  If sets are 1:1, the match is decided by championship tie-break to 10 points.

If there is a disagreement in the court, can we please ask that you try to resolve this amicably? If this is not possible, you can contact either Lewis or the coaches, who can help to resolve. Either player may request an independent individual be present. Please contact us prior to your match, and we can try to arrange.

Any players under 18 must be accompanied by an adult for their matches.

Do you have a question/ need some help?

If you can’t find an answer to your question on this page, then please contact:

Lewis (07791 900613), Anthony (07976 292638) or Angie (07745 989123).